“ACUATE” is an adjective that connotes “sharpened; pointed; ending in a sharp point”.

​As  a training provider, our motto “Sharpened and Focused”, derived from that meaning,  serves as a constant assurance to our clients that we can and will deliver the best quality services for all their training and developmental needs.​

Our Services

Soft skills are the personal attributes you need for a successful career in every workplace. These are often related to how you work with others. How you present yourself, communicate with your superiors and subordinates determine your success in your career. You must get along well with all the people with whom you interact, including managers, co-workers, clients, vendors, customers, and anyone else you communicate with while on the job. In short, these are the people skills that every individual must hone. 

All businesses need a range of skills to be able to survive and grow. As employees in small businesses, it is likely that you would have to perform several roles out of necessity. Do you think that you could be a jack of all trades and achieve success at your workplace?

As business owners you aspire your business to grow. When it grows, it will reach a stage when these essential skills need to be improved and extended beyond an individual employee. Getting the right mix of people to complement and reinforce your business is essential. Having an effective management team helps you to create a more efficient and capable business. 

The rapport within a team is vital and can add immense value beyond the collective individual talents and skills of each employee. Teams whose members relate well with one another contribute significantly to the overall growth of their businesses. A disjointed management team could ultimately lead to a business failure. 

A strong management team is particularly significant if you want your business to grow and develop. As your business grows, it is critical for the management team to spread its leadership responsibility. 

At ACUATE, we take pride in providing customised solutions for your business needs. We specialise in providing services that helps develop individuals, build Teams and grow Organisations as a whole.

Personal Development

We specialise in the most important soft skills that most employers look for. It also includes lists of related soft skills that employers tend to seek in job applicants. Developing these skills and demonstrating them at the workplace will yield excellent results for individuals. 

Communication skills are are considered as the most important in almost every job. You will likely need to communicate with people on the job, whether they are clients, customers, colleagues, employers, or vendors. You will also need to be able to speak clearly and politely with people in person, over the phone, and in writing.

Employers want employees who can not only communicate their own ideas, but also listen empathetically to others. Listening is a particularly important skill in customer service jobs. Listening skills are thus an integral aspect of communications in the corporate world. 

Click here to see a list of all our individual development courses that we offer.

Team Development

The ability to build and manage a successful team is a qualification for many different types of jobs. When you’re considered for a position that requires managing or being part of a team, you will need to demonstrate that you have the necessary team building skills to perform the task.

Team building is the art and science of creating cohesive work teams. In cohesive teams, all members feel proud to be part of a successful team as a result of their contributions and results achieved by the team. All members have participated actively towards developing group goals and defining the steps taken to reach those goals. Everyone thereafter work together to achieve the group objectives.

Employers believe that highly collaborative teams will add value through greater productivity, higher morale, less counter-productive conflict, and better customer relations. When a group gels together, it often achieves the best results. Employers therefore value people with team building skills. These are people who can get groups to work together well and meet their business goals.

Team building skills are particularly important for managers and supervisors who oversee groups of employees.

Click here to see a list of all our Team Development courses that we offer.

Organisation Development

Organisational Development (OD) is not rocket science; it’s essentially enhancing efficiency and effectiveness utilising organisational resources. OD can be used to solve problems within the organisation or as a way to analyse a process and find a more efficient way of doing it. Implementing OD requires valuable resources like time and money. But when you understand its importance, you can justify the costs.

In today’s fast-paced business world, being able to adapt to change is a quality any successful organisation needs. Conditions and requirements are constantly changing in almost all industries. As a result, to be successful organisations must be adaptable. For this reason, change management is an important concept to understand and implement in your organisation.

OD identifies areas of company operations where change is needed. Each need is analysed, and the potential effects are projected into a change management plan. The plan outlines the specific ways in which the change will enhance company operations, who will be affected by the change and how it can be rolled out efficiently to employees. Without OD as part of change management, a company would have a difficult time developing effective change management programs.

Click here to see a list of all our Organisational Development courses that we offer.